Shipping - Timeliness - Product Status |
The product is in stock in our warehouse so it can be sent from your validated order.
The product is not more in stock in our warehouse, it part of the next replenishment We expect our supplier.
The product is delivered directly from factory to your delivery address. It will be shipped according to the factory stock.
The product is imported especially for your order, so it transits through our warehouse before being directly delivered to your delivery address.
If you order several products, it is possible that they have a different status. If so, your products will not will not leave the same place, so we have to plan several shipping costs.
The law obliges us to give you a date, but because of the special character of the products we sell, often made to order, we give you a time limit "recorded average" between a product in stock and out of stock by brand. A specific deadline may be given to you upon request, or you will be warned of too large delays. All info in our FAQ.