Difference between a short FAP and a "long" FAP

Posté par: Julien Dynaparts Dans: Technical information Sur: Commentaire: 0 Frappé: 2234

On some Audi vehicles, the FAP is sometimes a long, sometimes short FAP. We explain how to differentiate them.

Do you need a substitute for your FAP for your preparation?

A power and torque gain for your competitive vehicle passes by the removal of certain motor elements.

Among other things, the FAP for Diesel engines.

But some manufacturers, like Audi, have sometimes equipped their different FAP vehicles on the same vehicle.

This is sometimes the case in all manufacturers, such as alternators, starters...and...it's related to the equipment manufacturer who provided them with different series of parts.

To get back to our Audi; on 2.7 and 3.0TDI, A4 B7 generally, it is possible to have long FAPs and other shorts.

If you're looking for a "DeFap", then you have to check if you have one at the other.

It's actually quite simple. If you lean on the engine and look along the firewall partition on the windscreen bay, you will see your FAP.

If you see the beginning and end of the FAP, it is a short model (the fixation flanges to the rest of the line are visible at once). If you only see the beginning, but the end goes under the partition and you don't see the end, it's a long one.

Help yourself with the photo we put you here to help you.

Note, a replacement of FAP requires engine reprogramming;)