Is this line approved CE?

Posté par: Julien Dynaparts Dans: Technical information Sur: Commentaire: 0 Frappé: 1759

We are often asked: "Is the line I want approved CE?"

To be able to answer this question simply, we set up on the site a simple and effective method for knowledge.

We explain everything here.

First of all, all CE-approved lines are grouped in a single category at this address:CE Approved Lines

If you had started a search by Brand/Model/Motorization, you can sort the approved products using the drop-down strips.

Select the "Exhibit Type" by choosing "Demi-Line/Cat-back" for example, and then use the other "Comologation CE" drop-down strip. So you sorted the products.

To confirm it again, you have this annotation clearly indicated in the product description. And again, on the product sheet, a blue through the image indicates "Homologué CE".

Impossible to pass by ;)

The product you have in your eyes does not contain any of its indications? Well, it's just that it's not registered.

For more information, our team is at your disposal.